Breastfeed BETTER & LONGER Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Get exclusive access to 1:1 tailored support & top-notch resources to help you THRIVE the 1st year and beyond.

Join Milk Magic Society For Just $5!

Does this sound familiar?

  • "The stress and struggles of breastfeeding are REAL. I’ve lost count how many times I wanted to give up.”

  • “The internet is a minefield of conflicting advice. I don’t know who to trust.”

  • “I’m constantly consumed by worrying about my milk supply.”

  • "I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is normal."

  • “I’m so tired and so overwhelmed.”

  • "I wish I had someone I could talk to who UNDERSTANDS what I’m going through and could offer suggestions."

If you can relate,
you’re not alone...

More than 80% of women
give up breastfeeding before 6 months😲

Real Talk?

Breastfeeding Can Be Hard AF

It's complicated, overwhelming, and filled with never-ending challenges...

clogged ducts

sleepless nights

growth spurts

sore nipples

distracted baby

formula pushing

pumping issues

low milk supply

cluster feeding


teething baby

nursing strikes

the list goes on...

All around the world, millions of women give up breastfeeding, feeling defeated and unsupported. 😟

Breastfeeding moms desperately need more than they’re getting.

And if you don’t get the right advice, just when you need it (especially when the shiitake hits the fan), it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to reach your lactation goals.

You’ll end up giving up before you're ready - just like everyone else.

The good news?
Surrounding yourself with helpful resources and ongoing support is the BEST WAY to experience the comfy, confident, and long breastfeeding journey you crave.

Welcome to Milk Magic Society!

Forget the cliché advice, “magic” potions, and panicked Googling. Save your sanity and get 1:1 game-changing support, the best ready-to-use resources, and in-depth workshops to LEVEL UP.

Get instant access 👉 all for just $5 a month!
(less than a latte)

Feel empowered + supported throughout your breastfeeding adventure so you don't have to give up before you're ready. 🙌

Milk Magic Society is designed to give you a SUPER ADVANTAGE when it comes to reaching your breastfeeding goals. By providing tailored support and top-notch resources, we're making it easier for you to succeed where others might struggle. 

Join Now For Only $5!

you get!

Personal IBCLC

Let go of endless Googling and NO MORE middle-of-the-night worrying! Finally have an expert you can trust (an IBCLC!) to ask any question about breastfeeding or pumping, even at 2am!


*She’s been featured on Healthline, ABC News, and ScaryMommy!

Workshop #1:
Guidance From The World's Top Breastfeeding Guru

Natural Breastfeeding by Nancy Mohrbacher. With over 30 years of experience and more books than you can count, Nancy Mohrbacher is a breastfeeding legend. Her video class is a TOTAL game-changer and you'll feel like she's right by your side, guiding you through the trickiest parts of breastfeeding.

($147 value)

Workshop #2:
Expert Secrets To Master Your Milk Supply

Master Your Milk Supply Class. This exclusive package of 5 expertly crafted videos will walk you through everything you need to know... from the science behind milk production to savvy tips and tricks for maintaining and boosting your supply. Never worry if your baby is getting enough ever again!

($27 value)

Workshop #3:
The Exact Method To Pump Up To 50% More Milk!

Pump It Up Class. This class will help you maximize your milk output and minimize your time spent hooked up to the pump. Each lesson is simple and straightforward, so you can easily apply the tips to your pumping routine and start seeing results right away.

($27 value)


Milk Magic Society turns struggles into success stories, one member at a time.

Joining is like having a fairy godmother by your side, but instead of a wand, she brings you stellar bonus content and one-to-one support.

Breastfeed With Absolutely ZERO Regrets!

Get On The Inside.

Join Now For Only $5!

*Cancel Anytime
(and still keep lifetime access to the workshops and everything you download!)

But wait!
That's not all...

If you sign up right now, you get the following AMAZING BONUS.


The Ultimate Almanac Of Printable Breastfeeding & Pumping Resources

Over 100 pages of easy, ready-to-use printable guides & cheat sheets to elevate your nursing journey.

($99 value)

The Many Perks Of Milk Magic Society...

Traditional solutions like lactation consultations can be expensive (often costing around $200 per session) and inconvenient, requiring travel and scheduling hassles. Support groups can be unreliable, filled with outdated advice and conflicting information. The internet is a minefield of different opinions, making it hard to know what to trust.


Just $5 a month compared to the high cost of individual lactation consultations.


Get 24/7 access to the wealth of expert resources (including Wendy, your new IBCLC email buddy!)


IBCLCs are certified professionals offering evidence-based advice. No more Googling at 2am, doing your own research, and crossing your fingers that what you’re finding is legit.

Even as a seasoned breastfeeder, it gave me peace of mind.


"I got a TON out of Milk Magic Society! All of the printables and classes were so helpful. I love that I had the option to touch base with Wendy whenever I doubted myself or a question popped into my head."
-Margie S.

Gain Instant Access To Everything Right Now!

  • Monthly Personalized Support from IBCLC (priceless)
  • Natural Breastfeeding ($147 value)
  • Master Your Milk Supply ($27 value)
  • Pump It Up ($27 value)
  • Milkopedia ($99 value)


Join Now For Just $5!


When do I get access to everything?

Instantly! As soon as you join.

Why should I join Milk Magic Society when so much is available online for free?

MMS offers 3 IMPORTANT things free content doesn't: 1:1 guidance, convenience, and exclusive content...

GUIDANCE: You get personalized guidance from Wendy the IBCLC, which will save you a ton of frustration and confusion when you run into challenges and uncertainty.

CONVENIENCE: The problem with free content is you pay for it with effort. We provide a one-stop-shop for all of your breastfeeding needs. Instead of spending hours searching for answers online, you can access everything you need in one place.

EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: We offer material you won't find anywhere else. All our content is created by IBCLCs and Certified Lactation Educators who have extensive knowledge and experience in breastfeeding. You can rest easy knowing everything is evidence-based.

Can't I just ask my pediatrician or mom group for breastfeeding help?

Of course, you could always rely on your pediatrician for breastfeeding advice, but let's face it - most of them are more like amateur lactation enthusiasts than true breastfeeding experts. Even if they did have the training, the quick 20-minute well-check every so often isn't exactly conducive to mastering the art of nursing.

And while mom groups can be a fantastic source of fellowship and solidarity you need as a breastfeeding mom, not all are created equal. Depending on who runs the group and how well moderated it is, online support groups can be rife with misinformation.

What if I'm unhappy with Milk Magic Society?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you're unsatisfied, you can cancel your membership at any time. We have great news though... you can still keep lifetime access to the trio of workshops and everything you download even if you cancel!

Bottom Line?

Joining Milk Magic Society will substantially increase your odds of reaching your breastfeeding goals!

Don't Wait Another Day!
Get the breastfeeding support and empowerment you need for just $5/month!

Yes! Sign Me Up!

*Cancel Anytime
(and still keep lifetime access to all materials)